How Stronger saves hundreds of hours and improve revenue through data driven actions

stronger ss
Johan Lilljebjörn
2 min read

Stronger, the fast growing workout clothing brand for women, lacked a good way to understand and visualize their customer and sales data. They also had an urgent need to improve and personalize the customer experience to increase conversion and combat churn. Zelia Webster, CRM Manager at Stronger, found Sift Lab, a platform that effectively addresses Stronger’s challenges.

Through the Sift platform, Stronger now generates AI-based customer personas, segments and product recommendations, automatically transferred to their email marketing system Klaviyo. For example, they can now easily and quickly find the ideal audience for a new collection or products on sale. With Sift Lab they also create AI-based first party data audiences and transfer them to Meta for prospecting campaigns achieving better ROAS with just one click. The new way of working is driving a significant increase in customer lifetime value (CLV) and email conversion rate.

“With Sift Labs AI-based predictive segments and product recommendations we have increased our conversion rate in our email marketing with 21%” 
Zelia Webster
CRM Manager, Stronger

Through Sift Lab, Stronger also gets their data visualized in dynamically updated dashboards accessible for everyone in the company allowing them to scale up their marketing automation journeys and make data driven decisions. For example, the popular basket and bundles analysis allows them to easily identify which products are often purchased together and which products and customers drive long-term value. 

Following the implementation of the platform the Stronger team has become much more productive, spending less time compiling reports, doing manual analysis and personalizing communication. 

“Sift Lab has saved us hundreds of working hours every month by automating the segmentation process and customer insight reports” 
Zelia Webster
CRM Manager, Stronger

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