On-Site Recommendations

Tailor Your Experience with Smart On-Site Recommendations

Elevate your customers' experience with personalized product recommendations powered by AI directly on your website. Allow our AI to showcase the products most likely to result in a purchase, or tailor its suggestions based on your own business rules. Whether you seek personalized recommendations that maximize your business margins or aim to promote long-standing inventory, On-Site recommendations have never been this precise.


Here are some questions we normally receive about our on-site recommendations

What are the benefits with Sift Lab's On-Site AI Recommendations? 

Do you offer out of the box rules?Of course, you can immediately start to leverage pre-defined rules such as Personalized, Shop the look, Check out, Color & Size affinity, Cross-sell, Replenish and many more!

Do I need to have the same business rules for all my recommendations? 

No, you can have different recommendations depending on where on the site you are. For example, you might want recommendations that yield the highest margin on the homepage while you may want cheaper products in the check out.  

Do you offer out of the box rules?

Of course, you can immediately start to leverage pre-defined rules such as Personalized, Shop the look, Check out, Color & Size affinity, Cross-sell, Replenish and many more!

Ready to become best friends with your data?

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